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Suffering from Data? We got you covered!


a lot companies are focusing on their technology and backend processes to reduce cost. We wonder if you have any doubt regarding the right data architecture for scaling data load? Join us for a special webinar that covers modern data architecture and cost savings for today's enterprise.

  • Understanding on-premise, cloud and hybrid data architecture
  • Improving performance & upgrading existing tech stack with minimal changes
  • Creating an analytics-driven modern data architecture using Alphaa AI
  • Saving costs & time on data using Alphaa AI

Learn modern tools and tech for your preferred cloud service.

Suffering from Data? We got you covered! a lot companies are focusing on their technology and backend processes to reduce cost. We wonder if you have any doubt regarding the right data architecture for scaling data load? 
Webinar by
Saurabh Moody
Speaker for the event:
Suffering from Data? We got you covered! a lot companies are focusing on their technology and backend processes to reduce cost. We wonder if you have any doubt regarding the right data architecture for scaling data load? 
Saurabh Moody
CEO & Founder, Alphaa AI
Host for the event:
Suffering from Data? We got you covered! a lot companies are focusing on their technology and backend processes to reduce cost. We wonder if you have any doubt regarding the right data architecture for scaling data load? 
Preksha Kaparwan
Co-Founder, Alphaa AI